Content Advisor General tab

Users can see sites that have no rating

Specifies whether people using this computer have permission to view material that has not been rated.

If this check box is selected, users will be able to see some objectionable material, if the author of the Web page has not rated the page by using the rating system you are using. If this check box is clear, users will be unable to view any unrated Web page, no matter how safe the content on the page might be.

Supervisor can type a password to allow users to view restricted content

Specifies whether users who know the supervisor password can type the password in order to view Web pages containing potentially objectionable material.

If this check box is clear, a message appears, saying that you are not allowed to view the Web page, and you will not be allowed to type the supervisor password to view the Web page.

Change Password

Click this to change the supervisor password.